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October 2020 Shelter Donations


The numbers for our October 2020 shelter donations are in! In this time of great need in our country and the world, we are reaching out to do what we can to fill a bit of that need with hope. Shelters across the country are experiencing high pet surrender rates as families struggle to find the resources to properly care for their pets. In a bid to be able to do something to help the struggling shelters during this pandemic, we have set up a campaign to provide customers with masks and shelters with meals.

Launching new products, the Dog Fashion Face Mask and the Cat Fashion Face Mask, gives us an opportunity to offer cute and fun mask options to people while also being able to provide help to shelters. This campaign is set up to make sure that a portion of each and every mask purchased is donated to a shelter to be used in providing them with much-needed meals.

Connecting with the community, we are taking recommendations for shelters that are in the most need right now. If you know of a shelter that could really use the help during this pandemic, please email your recommendation to blog@cuddleclones.com.

The shelters that have been donated to for the October 2020 shelter donations are:

One of this month’s shelters that we are donating to is Action Programs for Animals located in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Action Programs, or APA, is a certified 501c3 animal rescue organization. They run adoption programs, a pet food bank for low-income pet owners, numerous low-cost vaccination programs, and even a prison dog training program where they pair local inmates with their rescue dogs. 

APA actively promotes responsible pet guardianship to all of its program recipients. By receiving food or other support from us in their economic need, people agree to meet their pets’ basic physical and social needs (fresh food and water daily, adequate shelter, and companionship/attention). The main goal of the pet food bank is to keep animals with their families, keep them from suffering, and reduce the intake at their overburdened municipal animal shelter.  APA asks people to think of the shelter as a place of last resort for animals, not a place where animals should be dumped off on a regular basis.

We also donated to our recurring shelter partner The Arrow Fund.

A private donation was made through their websites. At their current factor of money to meals, the total is 35,440 meals for shelter pets! We are especially thankful for the people who sent in their nominations, helping them better connect to communities across the country.

Please continue sending in your nominations for the coming months as we stand together to battle the effects of this deadly virus on our country, its people, and their pets. A portion of mask sales will continue to be donated for as long as mask supplies last so be sure to order yours soon.

Make sure to also check out last month’s blog for more information on the shelters we donate to.

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