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Potential Benefits of CBD for Dogs

The CBD industry is becoming more popular year after year. This is no wonder, as many of the positive effects of this oil have already been proven by research. People have long used CBD products in the form of supplements or topically. But what about dogs and other pets? Does CBD for dogs have positive changes for them too? And if so, what are the benefits? In this article, these questions will be answered.


Husky licking at a bottle of CBD oil.

CBD for Dogs

Cannabidiol or CBD is a compound found in cannabis and hemp and does not include THC which is dangerous for dogs.  Plenty of CBD-containing dietary supplements and cosmetics are available today and are used by millions worldwide.

There is little research available on whether CBD is effective for dogs and other pets. However, there are some studies that demonstrate a number of positive effects. In addition, the experiences of the owners also show that CBD has a positive effect in many cases. Let’s look at these benefits.



Arthritis can occur in almost any dog ​​breed. This is one of the most common inflammatory conditions in dogs. Research shows that CBD is effective in treating pain caused by arthritis.


The effectiveness of CBD in treating seizures in humans has long been known. Testing of this has also begun in dogs, and the initial results are quite encouraging.


CBD is used with very good results to treat the symptoms caused by cancer and chemotherapy. Not much scientific evidence is available yet, but this is likely to change in the future.


The most common reason people use CBD products is to reduce anxiety. This oil also seems to be effective in dogs.


Of course, that’s not all. CBD has also been shown to be effective in other conditions in dogs. Examples include aggressive behavior, various inflammatory diseases, and loss of appetite. I am confident that this list will expand even further in the future.



According to WHO, CBD is not dangerous to humans or dogs. However, it is worth noting that it is metabolized by the liver. Therefore, CBD is not recommended for dogs with liver disease or taking liver medication.



So far, there is confirmed scientific evidence for side effects in humans only. These include dry mouth, lowered blood pressure, and drowsiness. We have reason to think that dogs may have similar symptoms. For safety’s sake, we definitely recommend that you start with a small dose and gradually increase it.




While CBD is very effective and safe, don’t buy the first product you come across on the internet. Investigate more products and manufacturers. Nowadays, it is very easy to find reviews of everything so you can find out how reliable the particular company and the CBD supplement they sell are.

Keep it away

Be careful not to store CBD products in a place where your dog can easily reach them. It is best to find a lockable cabinet or drawer to store them. Do not let your puppy consume CBD without supervision, as this will make it easy to exceed the recommended daily dose.


It is best if the CBD supplement purchased is organic and does not contain additives or chemicals that are harmful to dogs. Avoid cheap, low quality products.

Best forms

CBD for dogs is available in many forms. Examples are creams, oils, or treats. Most people use the oil forms with a dropper because it is said to be the most effective, and that way it’s easy to adjust the dosage.


Every dog ​​may react differently. For this reason, we advise you to slowly and gradually introduce CBD for dogs. If no side effects are seen, you can increase the dose further. In dogs with arthritis, the recommended daily dose is 2 mg per kilogram body weight.

Consult your vet

For any supplement, it is true that you should consult your veterinarian. So take this important step before using CBD too. Your vet is probably more familiar with your dog’s health status, breed, etc. Based on this, he will be able to give you useful advice.

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