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Cuddle Clones Donates to Little Victories Animal Rescue

Little Victories Animal Rescue logo

At Cuddle Clones, we love helping amazing rescues and no-kill shelters do important life-saving work in their communities. And, today we would like to take a moment to introduce you, Little Victories Animal Rescue of Ona, West Virginia, a very worthy rescue that we recently had the opportunity to assist through a monetary donation of $264.

Little Victories Animal Rescue is dedicated to saving lives.  LVAR strives to reduce animal suffering and to eliminate the plight of unwanted animals by providing sanctuary and rehabilitation to homeless, injured, abused, and abandoned animals, guaranteeing their health and safety while searching for loving, “forever” homes.  They work through rescue and adoption, through education and outreach, and most importantly, through spaying and neutering. Little Victories Animal Rescue firmly believes that each animal is an individual and deserves every chance of living a safe, loving, and protected life.

LVAR firmly believes that education about all aspects of humane care is the only answer and the only hope to eliminate animal homelessness and abuse. Their goal is to educate their local community to act responsibly in the care of their own companion animals and to be aware of the plight of homeless animals. LVAR has educational and awareness programs that teach adults and children about the humane treatment of animals and how to become caring, responsible pet owners. They also promote the no-kill philosophy and awareness of the cultural, health, and emotional benefits of having a companion animal.

Cuddle Clones is proud to support the only no-kill rescue in West Virginia, and if you would like to join us visit Little Victories Animal Rescue here.

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