
The Cuddle Clones Chronicle - April 2022 Edition

April showers bring May flowers and muddy paw prints all over the house. It’s a season of change and transition that pet owners need to prepare themselves for. The theme of preparedness runs through quite a few of this month’s stories, so let’s get right into it! 

Welcome to the April 2022 edition of TheCuddle Clones Chronicle, a monthly round-up featuring pet news and animal stories of interest from around the world. This month, we’re taking a look at pet cloning by social media influencers (and we’re not talking about the incredible custom stuffed animals we create), the terrifying rise in pet theft around the country and world, and the newest dog to earn the title of “Oldest Dog In The World”. Without any further ado, let’s jump right into the news.

White kitten laying on back

Social Media Superstars Cloning Their Furry Companions

Losing a pet is a devastating experience. Pets are family, irreplaceable parts of the fabric of our lives, and so many of us would give just about anything to keep them around a little longer. For some social media influencers, this is less fantastical than it might first appear. Texas company ViaGen Pets & Equine is now offering a “cloning” service to help preserve your beloved pet’s lineage and bloodline. Why the quotes? This quote from customer Courtney Udvar-Hazy says it all: ““I knew that it would be similar to identical twins in humans. Completely different animal, completely different soul, completely different personality, but genetically identical.” Read the full story at Today.

Kitten running in the grass

Shelters Steeling for Kitten Season Surge

April is the beginning of kitten season. As the weather warms, thousands of kittens will soon be born, adding immense strain to an already overwhelmed shelter system. According to Oconee Humane Society Kitten Foster Coordinator Shelley Terrell, “A female cat can get pregnant at four months old. So that’s when they start breeding, and once they start it just keeps going,”. If you have considered adding a brand new furry family member, now is an amazing time. Otherwise, consider contacting your local shelter to see how you can help! And remember, every purchase from Cuddle Clones supports shelters around the United States. Read the full story at FOX Carolina.

Laying down Chihuahua

Chihuahua Crowned New “Oldest Dog in the World”

The average lifespan of a Chihuahua is 12 to 20 years, which makes the brand new oldest dog in the world’s accomplishment even more incredible. We are delighted to introduce you TobyKeith, a 21-year-old Chihuahua who was recently recognized by the Guiness Book of World Records as the oldest dog in the world. However, don’t confuse this record with the oldest dog ever. That title still belongs to Bluey, an Australian Cattle Dog who lived to the wildly impressive age of 29! Read the full story at  CNN.

Golden retriver puppies eating kibble

Dirty Pet Bowls Spell Sickness

How frequently do you clean your pet’s food bowl? Once a week? Once a month? According to research conducted by the scientific minds at North Carolina State University, you may be jeopardizing your pets health without even realizing it! According to the article, “Just one-third of pet owners said they wash their hands after feeding their dog. About 22% said they washed their pet's dish once a week and 12% said they washed it every day. But 18% said they didn't wash the dish more often than every three months, and some not at all.” Read the full story at U.S. News.

Cat hiding behine a pole

Petrified Pet Owners Prepare as Pet Thefts Rise

There are few thoughts more terrifying than the theft of your beloved pet. Sadly, this horrendous crime has become a heartbreaking reality for more and more pet owners around the world. The pet experts at the American Kennel Club say that approximately 2 million dogs are stolen every year. With the rise in demand for pets, terrible people are stealing pets to rehome for a profit. Knowing how to keep your best friend safe is absolutely vital. Read the full story at Channel 9 KXLH.

Cat sitting near a window

Allergy Symptoms Assail Pets

We all know how terrible allergies can be. Itchy, burning, reddened eyes that won’t stop watering. Sniffly noses that won’t stop leaking. Brain fog and headaches that simply won’t quit. The symptoms can be irritating at best and debilitating at worst. Unfortunately, our best friends are not immune to these maladies. According to the article, “dogs who lick their paws a lot, scratch all over, lick their bellies or near their rear ends are probably dealing with allergies.” Additionally, “for cats, allergies will look like goopy eyes and upper respiratory symptoms.” Read the full story at WFMY News 2.

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