7,000+ ★★★★★ Reviews

7,000+ ★★★★★ Reviews


Create Your Custom Cuddle Clone!

Your Information:

Select Your Type of Pet


Let's Get to Know Your Pet

Please enter your pet's name (maximum 18 characters)

We can make a Cuddle Clone of any breed! If the breed you are looking for is not listed, please select “Other/Mixed from the drop down

Please select your pet's current age. You'll have the option to choose the age you want the plush to represent later in the process.

Pet Detail

Upload Pet Photos

At least 3 images of your pet are required for your Cuddle Clone. We recommend uploading more pictures if you have them!

Please include any special markings your pet has. (Max of 10 Images)

Drag + Drop

Thank you for uploading your images!

Unique Characteristics
(Optional Step)

Please add a description (and image if you have one) of your pet’s distinguishing characteristics to help us capture what makes your pet unique! For example, if your pet has a heart-shaped patch of fur on their chest or one white paw, mention these details. (Max of 10 Images)

Drag + Drop OR

Pet Info

Eye Color

Select Eye Color for Both Eye

Select if your pet has 2 different colored eyes

Both Eyes

Dark Brown
Dark Redish Brown
Redish Brown
Light Redish Brown
Yellow Brown
Light Brown
Yellow Green
Light Green
Blue Green
Green Yellow
Light Blue
Half Brown Half Blue

Select Your Creation Time

Standard creation time is 8 weeks. Rush creation ensures your order is prioritized and crafted within a significantly reduced timeframe. By selecting this option, you can accelerate the manufacturing process of your personalized item.

Please note, Rush Creation strictly shortens the production time and does not affect shipping speeds.

Select Creation Time
Standard 8 Weeks Creation Time
6 Weeks Rush Creation Time ($29.99)
4 Weeks Rush Creation Time ($59.99)
2 Weeks Rush Creation Time ($79.99)

Final Option

Upgrade Your Plush Clone!

Zipper Pouch


A zippered pocket to store a memory of your pet. Many customers request a discreet stash pocket to store their pet’s ashes or photos. The pouch is located in the lower belly area.

Add Zipper Pouch

Custom Bandana Image

Custom Bandana


Elevate your custom plush Cuddle Clone experience with our delightful personalized pet bandanas that are embroidered with your pets name!

Add Custom Bandana

Custom Bandana Image

Cuddle Crate


Ensure your custom Cuddle Clone arrives in perfect condition with our brand-new Cuddle Crate! This specially designed crate is the ultimate guardian for your plush, keeping its fur soft, ears perky, and every detail pristine.

Add Cuddle Crate

Custom Bandana Image

How Many Cuddle Clones in this Exact Design Would You Like?
